Packet Radio - Hitchhikers Guide to becoming a BPQ SysOp
This Hitchhikers Guide to becoming a BPQ SysOp (aka. HG2BPQ) is a compilation of the notes I collected during my journey to set up a BPQ node.
Even though I'm a amateur radio operator since 1976, I was on hiatus for some years and missed the Packet Radio boom of the 80's.
With the encouragement of another OM, I went on this journey to learn what I had missed and I found that there is a lot of information out there, but hardly organized, mostly outdated and not updated. The best one I found so far is from Charles R. Verdon, W5KAV Digital Traffic Network (DTN) but there where still some roadblockers that took me some time to resolve and some are still mysteries which we could chase together
I will not give you here the full recipes, specially regards some of the Raspberry Pi and Linux skills, which you will have to find somewhere else.
The following SysOps (in order of appearance) contributed significantly to my learning:
- Eduardo Castillo, LU9DCE
- Jean Pierre Roussarie, F1OYP
- Red R.R. Tuby, PE1RRR
- Brian Rogers, N1URO
- Mark Taylor, N5MDT
- Aly Badawy, AL0Y
I would also suggest very strongly to subscribe to the BPQ support group with a very active community and the extraordinary support from John Wiseman himself and don't forget to check out the links I have put in the reference section at the bottom of this page.
73 and have fun, because that is what Amateur Radio is all about.
May the Layers of the Ionosphere be with You
Building your BPQ Node on a Raspberry Pi
Configuring your BPQ Node
- Coming soon
Configuring BPQ as a Winlink CMS
- Coming soon
Setting up routes
- How do Hierarchical Addresses work?
- Configuring node routes
- Configuring message forwarding
BPQ differentiates between three types of messages
- Flood bulls
- Directed Bulls
- Personal messages
- if you receive a Personal message on your BPQ BBS, and you don't have a route to forward, your BBS will generate a Service message to the "FROM" callsign informing them that the BBS is unable to forward that message and it may not reach its destination. For directed bulls, a similar message is generated but to the SYSOP of that BBS instead of the bull's originator.
- the second difference, is in BPQ, you can choose to "SEND P messages to more than one BBS" This is a checkbox that you can choose in BPQ. Enabling this options sends the P message to ALL matching routes and not only the best match. It adds confidence that the message will be received by allowing multiple paths (in case one route is incorrected, forwarding station across the route is no longer functional, or lost forwarding with another station) Remember that BBSs will not receive a message twice though (they still have same BID)but it allows multiple paths (I recommend having this option enabled)
Operating your node
- Operating your node using QtTermTCP
- Monitoring the BBS traffic
The tail command is a command-line utility for outputting the last part of files given to it via standard input. It writes results to standard output. By default tail returns the last ten lines of each file that it is given and it is used here to follow the logLatest_BBS.txt log file in real-time and watch as new lines are written to it.
Type the following on your SSH console:
tail -f logLatest_BBS.txt
- Monitoring message forwarding (by Mark Taylor, N5MDT)
Access the web page for your own BPQ Node, then click on Mail Mgmt and select Messages.
You will see a list of all the messages sent and received by your BBS. This is where I spend most of my time, looking at each message to make sure it forwarded to the proper place. You can click on each message number and in the right pane you will see the message detailsFrom
, etc.
line, and the forwarding partners, and make sure that the message was forwarded properly.
- The message is for you.
- You received it from the only possible place you could forward it.
- There is no place to forward it.
- You have an error.
then there may be slightly fewer green cells and when you select a message that is sent VIA
another country, so you should only see ONE green cell. If you see more, then your BBS forwarding is not configured properly. There is no reason to send a message destined for Europe to multiple USA stations, and no reason to send USA messages to Europe (baring the most unusual cases.) So, watch for that as well.
will have his call, and the cell containing the call will be green. Many will simply send WP Updates as bulletins, although I block those. It's not wrong to send WP Updates as bulletins, but it is not recommended to do it. The WP server that runs in the background is looking for a message directed to user WP.
Here you also can:
- Edit header and forwarding flags directly
- Edit Text of messages
- Save your changes
- Save Message to a file
- Print one or more message
- Export one or more messages
Maintaining the health of your node
- Updating the operating system
The operating system of your Raspberry Pi needs to be maintained current as well as all the software you have installed on it from the repositories. For that purpose, you will need to execute the following commands on your SSH console periodically:
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
- Updating BPQ
The same way as with your operating system, you will need to keep your BPQ software updated. Since you have not installed it from a repository, you will have to do this manually. The beta versions seem to be very stable und updated frequently, so if you update frequently you will get the fixes as new issues surface
I have included the following steps in a short shell scrip that looks like this:
#!/bin/bash # cd /opt/bpq # This is BPQ's install folder sudo systemctl stop bpq.service # Stops the BPQ service sudo mv -f pilinbpq plinbpq.old # Renames the current BPQ executable as a backup # Downloads the latest beta version: sudo wget sudo chmod a+x pilinbpq # makes it executable sudo systemctl start bpq.service # Restarts BPQ service #
- Restarting BPQ
BPQ has a know issue with the BBS that makes it hang, so regular restarts are required. The recommendation is to restart it at least once a day to be sure it does his job.
In order to accomplish that, I decided to write a small script named that I have scheduled with cron.
The core of the script looks like this:
#!/bin/bash # systemctl restart bpq.service # Restart BPQ service #
crontab -e
00 2 * * * /bin/systemctl bpq.service
crontab -l
- Backing up your system
It is always a good practice to back up your data, specially in this environment where an MicroSD card is the main data storage. These cards are nice and convenient, but they do have a limited life, so I attached an external HD to my RasPi for this. It is actually on my LAN on another RasPi, but you will have to figure out what works best for you.
With this setup, I back up my BPQ install (yes, the whole install is not that big and it will make the restore easier) and keep the last 10 backups. I do all of this with the following script:
#!/bin/bash # DATESHORT=`date +%Y%m%d` # Date string without dashes for filename SRCDIR=/opt/bpq/ # Source directory DESDIR=/mnt/disk1/bpq # Destination directory FILE=bpq$DATESHORT.tar.gz # Backup file name REMOVEDATE=$(date --date="10 days ago" +%Y%m%d) # throw away files older than 10 days REMOVEFILE=bpq$REMOVEDATE.tar.gz # File to remove # # Let's start with the backup # systemctl stop bpq.service # Stop BPQ service tar -cpzf $DESDIR/$FILE $SRCDIR > /dev/null 2>&1# Tar directory rm $DESDIR/$REMOVEFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove old files systemctl start bpq.service # Start BPQ service #
I use Win32 Disk Imager on my Windows machine to do that and you could find all the details on The PiHut or on any other site out there.
The recovery process would then be:
- Burn your new MicroSD card with the latest backup image using Win32 Disk Imager (make sure you use a card with he same capacity)
- Restore the latest daily BPQ backup onto the new MicroSD card
- Restart BPQ and you should be back in business.
Packet Netiquette
- The rules of any other text based communications, like chat, newsgroups or e-mail also apply to Packet and there are a few additional considerations you have to make due to the fact that most of the traffic is over, well... radio.
- You should assume that p-mail is not secure nor allowed to be encrypted, so never put in a message anything you would not put on a postcard.
- Respect the copyright on material that you reproduce. Almost every country has copyright laws.
- If you are forwarding or re-posting a message you've received, do not change the wording. If the message was a personal message to you and you are re-posting to a group, you should ask permission first. You may shorten the message and quote only relevant parts, but be sure you give proper attribution.
- A good rule of thumb: Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive. You should not send heated messages even if you are provoked. On the other hand, you shouldn't be surprised if you get flamed and it's prudent not to respond to flames.
- Make things easy for the recipient. Many mailers strip header information which includes your return address. In order to ensure that people know who you are, be sure to include a line or two signature at the end of your message with contact information, but keep it short. Remember there are radio links and any extra character takes up unnecessary resources.
- Dont get too fancy with bulletin branding. We don't need to see multi line banners of your callsign. Keep it to a minimum.
- Be careful when addressing bulletins. There are certain groups that where created for special purposes, like the SYSOP group. You should probably not address any bulletin to SYSOP@WW unless there is something going on with a misconfigured system somewhere.
- Do not change the bulletin groups in your replies. If somebody posted to ALL@WWW, then keep it there, otherwise it will be difficult to track the conversation.
- A bulletins is communicating with many people via one message and is quite analogous to communicating with one person with the exception of possibly offending a great many more people than in one-to-one communication. Therefore, it's quite important to know as much as you can about the audience of your message.
- Do not change the subject line, it makes it more difficult to follow conversations.
- Remember that the recipient is a human being whose culture, language, and humor have different points of reference from your own. Remember that date formats, measurements and idioms may not travel well. Be especially careful with sarcasm.
- Be brief without being overly terse. When replying to a message, include enough original material to be understood but no more! It is extremely bad form to simply reply to a message by including all the previous message: edit out all the irrelevant material.
- Use symbols for emphasis. That *is* what I meant. Use underscores for underlining. _War and Peace_ is my favorite book.
- Wait overnight to send emotional responses to messages. If you have really strong feelings about a subject, indicate it via FLAME ON/OFF enclosures.
- Limit line length to fewer than 65 characters and end a line with a carriage return.
- Mail should have a subject heading which reflects the content of the message.
- "Reasonable" expectations for conduct via p-mail depend on your relationship to a person and the context of the communication. Norms learned in a particular p-mail environment may not apply in general to your p-mail communication with people across Packet. Be careful with slang or local acronyms.
- Know how large a message you are sending. Including large files such as 7Plus image files or programs may make your message so large that it cannot be delivered or at least consumes excessive resources. Many BBSs filter these out for those reasons.
- Read the bulletins for one to two months before you post anything. This helps you to get an understanding of the culture of the group.
- Messages should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't send messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling. These, more than any other behavior, mark you as an immature beginner.
- If you should find yourself in a disagreement with one person, make your responses to each other via p-mail rather than continue to send messages to the group. If you are debating a point on which the group might have some interest, you may summarize for them later.
- Don't get involved in flame wars. Neither post nor respond to incendiary material.
WB9LOZ - Introduction to Packet Radio
PY2BIL - BPQ User and SysOp Commands Cheatsheet
G8BPQ Home Page
W5KAV - Digital Traffic Network (DTN)
AC0KQ - BPQ Quick Start with bpq-config
Online Amateur Radio Community
Massive repository on Packet Radio from PD9Q
A very interesting site with some key tips from PE1RRR
BPQ Nodemap
BPQ Chat Network